Covid Policy
Attending classes:
If you attend a class you confirm that:
You do not to your knowledge have Covid 19
You do not have a new or continuous cough
You do not have a high temperature/ fever
You have not experienced any loss of or a change in your normal sense of smell and taste
You are not from the same household with anyone known to have a positive COVID - 19 test
You have not been told to self - isolate
You have not returned from travelling abroad within the last 10 days to any country not listed on the government safe travel list.
From Monday 19th July 2021 there is no requirement for you to wear a face covering into or out of class. There continues to be no requirement to wear a face covering during the class when you are exercising. If you feel more comfortable in doing so please feel free to still wear one. If having members without masks on for entry and exit concerns you please let me know - I am happy to be led by feedback.
Social distancing
Class numbers are limited to 12 so we can keep a good distance between one another. I will continue to teach and observe from the front and side, occasionally walking through the class to check your positioning if it is more beneficial to view it from another angle.
Self isolation:
To add some flexibility to the 6 week course you have 8 weeks to take your 6 lessons. If you are required to self isolate or have another reason why you can not make a class these extra weeks are put in place for that reason. Please inform me as soon as you can if you are unable to attend a class to enable me to invite trials and pay as you go members.
In the event of a 4th lockdown:
Firstly... let's hope this doesn't happen! However, if we do find ourselves in this situation, classes will transfer to online using Google Meet. It is free to create a Google account or I can give you a login to use. I am happy to advise with technology and wouldn't want this to stand in your way.
If taking classes online is not possible for you your classes will be put on hold and you can take the classes when Return to Health is able to reopen. No refunds will be issued.
I would really like to keep the classes going online if/when required 1) In order for you not to lose motivation 2) receive the benefits of a consistent approach to training 3) To be able to support Return to Health in a period of closure.